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Eat Simply Challenge #1

Upgrade your daily food environments...

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Eat Simply Challenge #1

Upgrade your daily food environments:

  • Choose as many favorite foods as you can from the highest quality, Grade A category (see below); and,
  • Eliminate as many of the lowest quality Grade D & F category foods (see below) and replace them w Grade A foods, or entirely skip eating the meal/snack – gone means gone, not postponed!
  • Extra credit: review this list for the best Omega 3 balanced foods to bring into your daily Eat Simply menus.

Grade A: Raw Wild & Heritage Raised Naturally Edible, Organic Whole Foods.

100% Vitality; 10% Risk Score

These are our purest ancestral foods, harvested from righteously fertile and wild environments (e.g. wild salmon, free range grass-fed/finished bison, berries in season, etc.) giving full nutritional complexity from exposure to a robust biome, i.e. terroir. These include traditionally cultured and wild fermented foods with still live enzyme and vitally active, natural organisms (e.g. sauerkraut, yogurt, cheeses, etc.).

The 10% risk score of these foods comes from how many man-made pollutants might be present in our organic natural world, (e.g. heavy metals, micro plastics, pesticides) and already infecting our wild, whole and naturally organic, edible food supply.

Grade B: Raw Non-Heritage, "Farmed" Naturally Edible Whole Foods.

80% Vitality; 25% Risk Score

These edible foods may also be organically cultivated, but are done so in human controlled and manufactured environments; these foods are also often hybrids or fully domesticated species (e.g. farmed oysters, industrial scale produced organic fruits, etc.). Good enough foods, but one big step down from Grade A quality.

The increased 25% risk score is from non-organic human husbandry and farmed foods with higher potentials for chronic injuries from unknown and unproven genetically modified organisms (GMOs), strain resistant diseases (due to industrial scale crowded and mono crop conditions) and whatever loading you will get from non-organics raised with antibiotics needed to fight mutated viruses and bacteria (destroys our own microbiome), growth hormones (imbalances your immune and endocrine system) and pesticides (damaging toxins to your cells and chronic inflammation);

Grade C: Cooked Fresh Inedible Whole Foods.

20% Vitality; 50% Risk Score

These include any inedible Grade A & B foods needed to be cooked at temperatures high enough to destroy anti-nutrients to make the food edible, e.g. (e.g. legumes, potatoes, etc.).

The 50% risk score is due to heavier digestive workloads from eating foods with destroyed enzymes and broken chemical bonds, as well as toxins created from high heat cooking. Any persistent diet of foods with natural anti-nutrients, or those we can't eat or digest well without high heat cooking, creates dysbiosis in our microbiome and potentials for leaky gut.

Grade D: Commercially Processed and Shelf Stable Whole Foods

-20% Negative Vitality; 80% Risk Score

These are any cooked, pasteurized and/or processed foods with a list of chemical additives (e.g. nitrates, nitrites, etc.) and are anti-vitality foods sucking the Self Health progress out of you over time.

The 80% risk score arises in these foods because of more than one or two ingredients on the label you can't pronounce. If you can't immediately understand the ingredients on the label, then why the hell are you putting them into your body?

Don't be somebody else's science experiment for their profit...

Grade F:Commercially Processed Industrial Foodstuffs

-80% Negative Vitality; 100% Risk Score

We would prefer you eat pure cane sugar candy and beverages than any of these totally dead, Grade F sh!t foodstuffs.

These are crap, fake foods with multiple chemical ingredients on the label. Avoid these – even if marketed as "natural" from any above food grade categories.

Any such naturalnutrition has been industrially extracted, degraded and replaced with chemical additives and preservatives needed to achieve a standardized and profitable commodity. You're 100% Risk score doesn't mean you're going to die anytime soon from eating these foodstuffs:

You're just not going to play as long or as vitally and pain free as you might have wanted or could have...

And after you take initial actions you'll create momentum. Your new environment structure will support ongoing removal of conflicting influences and grinding decisions – and then sticking becomes effortless and easy.

Eat Simply food environments can be refined to serve carnivores, omnivores, vegetarians or whatever way you eat – there are plenty of Grade A upgrade options for all eating preferences, except lower grade quality ones!

You may choose to continue eating lower grade quality foods while you improve the variety and frequency of your Grade A pleasurable meals – it's not necessary, but it's entirely up to you how much of a challenge you want to make for yourself. Some soccer players just want to dribble the entire field... good luck with that.

Remember: the more Grade A quality category foods you eat (and the less you consistently eat Grade D & F foodstuffs) the faster your recuperative powers and more enduring your vitality will be!

Challenge Check-Ins with Rob:

  1. Schedule with me (below) and be ready to tell me your estimate – how many servings (your call on how you measure a serving) of foods do you eat in each of the above Grade A to F categories over an average week?  Send me this count before starting the challenge; and then,
  2. Schedule to talk with me again after completing one week of the challenge – tell me, how many servings did you eat in each of the above Grade A to F categories for your first week of Eat Simply upgrades?

That's it!