• About

    As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

    ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


    New season. Same reason.

    ~Rob Hanna

  • Purest Vitality Vision

    We intend

    • all aging athletes to learn and achieve their own Self Health mastery and rejuvenation – so they can rapidly resolve chronic pains, acute injuries, and physical insults on their own; and,
    • all people to develop healthful, daily habits – so they gain their most enduringly enjoyable lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

    About Our Principles, Values & Chief Practitioner

    Rob Hanna, Founder

    • Earned three US governor's awards for successful public health and wellness projects in local communities;
    • 20+ year wellness professional, Chief Practitioner at Victory Medical, published writer, health company startup founder, co-founder, adviser, investor; healthy community not-for-profit CEO;
    • Full-time father of two buoyant children and husband to an amazing corporate wellness professional;
    • Active soccer athlete in AMSA (Austin city league) open mens premiere first division, punching way above my weight by competing with and against non-age restricted players.
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    Self Health Givens

    • Dramatic, Rapid Improvements: the right subtle lifestyle changes bring dramatic, immediate and ongoing improvements to athletic performance & general physical wellbeing;
    • Personal Responsibility: the path of Self Health is an accumulation of personal choices – either towards optimal wellbeing, or away from it;
    • Knowledge is free: but learning by doing correct practice to improve oneself rapidly is not – we pay by deliberate, methodical and focused effort all along the way;
    • Good Discipline is merely remembering what one truly wants in a lifestyle without complaints;
    • Purest Vitality is sovereignty of one's own body: to ignore or give away power and control over one's physical potentials is always folly, impoverishment and financial slavery, whether or not enlisted to the profiting of false authorities, certified professionals or charlatans. We all face a lifelong challenge against these constant perils until we embrace and freely live our true heart's desires.

    Self Health Values

    • Ask – I share what works from direct experience so you can know what's proven to activate objectively measurable, verifiable and repeatably successful wellness results in yourself for yourself;
    • Act – stop talking and start doing – 1% of my theory and 99% of your doing makes for successful results. Giddy-up and go!
    • Advance – deliberate, methodical and focused daily practice is the key – everything improves together. Everything!

    I've still got questions...

    Here are my "I will, I want and I won'ts"

    • FAQs for all Aging & Retired Athletes:


    Q. Why should I follow these Self Health principles or take Purest Vitality advice on developing my own wellness practices?


    Rob: Several reasons why I follow my own purest vitality advice and why you might consider our principles the right practice for you:


    Our Purest Vitality learning methods are refined from over 30 years of direct practice and professional applications with tens of thousands of individuals across a wide variety of domains. This includes public health innovations with federal, state and local governments, corporate human resource wellness programs, and clinical services in family medical practice. Our methods delivered superior and improved metabolic results over baseline markers (in side by side protocol testing at a longevity club), as well as outperforming patient satisfaction competing against modern nutraceuticals, cutting-edge hormone replacement therapies, compounding and supplementation.


    Our Self Health methods won with monotonous regularity.


    Q. How do you provide guidance?


    Rob: One-on-one live consultation. We ensure quality results by vetting our clients and activating their capacity and readines so they are predisposed to win before they even start. All our advice and guidance is right-sized to each clients' current capacity and readiness to achieve immediate results.


    Q. How are you credible at what you do?


    Rob. We are NOT medical professionals – we do not diagnose or treat illnesses, diseases and/or medical conditions.


    We never prescribe or discuss medicines – we don't ever use them.


    Our expertise is solidly derived from decades-long practice of our methods on ourselves, as well as the many individuals who have followed our methods in their daily lives to achieve great success – we practice what we preach and only preach what we've practiced:


    Activate the robustness within your own body so as not to get sick in the first place and rapidly heal whenever you do experience any unfortunate insult or injury.


    My Chief Practitioner include working with medical professionals and Board Certified MDs in medical facilities as a paid wellness consultant to their patients as well as my own clients.


    My diverse health and wellness professional experience includes community and individual inerventions at all levels:

    • Co-founder, CEO of Veritas Impact Partners, a not-for-profit providing health & wellness interventions to workforce communities across the US;
    • Co-founder of One Stop Wellness, a corporate wellness startup providing complete online and offline employee wellness services;
    • Chief Practitioner of Vitality, Victory Medical, with clinical applications of Purest Vitality methods;
    • Restauranteur owner, executive chef and private raw chef – practiced in artisanal food production, sourcing, storing, preparation, serving and supply chain profit incentives – from global food industry (see below) to local farmers' markets and even your neighbor's garden;
    • NYC commodities trader (global food supply) at Dominick & Dickerman, becoming subsidiary president, general partner and and managing director of offshore hedge funds.

    Additionally, my 56 years of competitive soccer playing experience includes semi-pro play for New York Athletic Club (and still playing competitively punching above my weight practicing twice weekly with 20 somethings Premeir mens team, while playing competitively on Sundays with both an Over 3o and Over 40 prem teams – entirely due to practicing what I preach here to you.


    Q. I can Google, join facebook groups and follow Twitter accounts to learn all I need to know about eating clean and how to intermittent fast – why do I need Purest Vitality, just for discipline?


    Rob: Sure you can, but Google, facebook and Twitter can't tell you what works best for you based on your own current capacity, readiness and wellness baseline context. Forums are also full of contradictory perspectives, ignorant opinions and wild-ass guesses from people who have never practiced what they are tweeting. It's all noise.


    We deliver pure signal – immediately, rapidly and in context of the direct experience you need to gain metabolic rejuvenation bounded by your unique objectives and circumstances. And we do it safely because we're not guessing.


    Our tools become immediately personal to you. Your insights from direct experience evolves into a complete wellness foundation to last your lifetime – not take a lifetime to achieve!


    How many seasons do you have left to play and fully enjoy? We know how incredibly valuable your time is and the compounding potential you still have by acting right now.


    Do you?


    Q. How can I trust your advice – it seems entirely contrary to what I've learned from established nutritionists and medical professionals?


    Rob: Trust is best placed in the better results you immediately feel and sustain. Full stop.


    There is so much BS out there that sounds legit because a perceived authority puts it into print. The question is not what theory sounds most true, it is what practice works best to increase vitality and achieve a pain free body, mind and soul.


    It's hard to realize how much we're losing day by day without right practice.


    The trust you need to have is not in me or in Purest Vitality methods, but in the fact there is a better path for all of us, and the only way for each of us to discover it is to walk it – the learning and results are always in the doing!.


    Your Self Health path will be based on learning ancient wisdom traditions for internal metabolic activations through direct experience:

    • fasting – water alone, nothing else. I've fasted hundreds of times in all permutations (e.g. 28 days on water alone) and guided others on shorter durations with specialized recovery protocols.  Few to no competitive athletes intimately understand the transformations that take place in fasting for therapeutic, behavioral/emotional and greater performance results – we do;
    • dry fasting – an advanced and extremely rapid therapeutic practice achieved by going without food or water for days and weeks (e.g. I've done two weeks, as well as shorter dry fasting protocols as my preferred personal seasonal practice). Dry fasting is one of the most powerful and rapid ancient renewal protocols still valuable today;
    • 100% raw food protocols – external therapeutic raw food protocols are variable and may include 100% raw carnivore, 100% raw omnivore, 100% raw vegetarian and 100% raw green vegetarian (and everything in between).  Variations and paced progressions produce entirely different outcomes (I've done them all over the decades).

    For all the above, we advise each unique client based on their own chosen food culture, lifestyle preferences and desired intentions.


    Our ongoing research includes mentorship by world renowned experts on the too many diverse and complex aspects of natural metabolic drivers and transformations, including Dr. Manfred Clynes (neurologist), Dr. Bill Lands (foremost authority on EFAs), Dr. Stanley Bass (fasting), Dr. Bill Franklin (HRT longevity practices) and others.


    Q. Why should I pay for personal guidance if I can just take the principles of these ancient wisdom practices and put them to work for free?


    Rob: Don't pay us if you can do it on your own. We also did it on our own – until we found mentors to help us make our progres better, faster and more enduring.


    Go for it! There is much more information out there today than when we started – it might only take you one decade instead of the three decades it took us to learn all we know now from direct experience and extensive research. I'm sure you will achieve real progress simply by starting.


    One thing is true – it's very, very hard to sustain progress without the secrets revealed by doing the right foundation practice.


    The good news is once you've learned foundation practices in your breath, blood and bone, then you've got their progress forever.


    I believe anyone can succeed on their own path. Our mission is to deliver foundation practices, tools and principles to aid you on yours, however you choose to walk it and achieve your heart's true desire.


    Our wisdom includes guiding you to immediately experience:

    • rapidly healed imjuries and chronic pains resolved naturally in a matter of weeks – without surgeries or prescription drugs;
    • elder wisdom from a competitive athlete with expertise on how to recover, regain competitive fitness and play for a lifetime at the highest level one desires;
    • upgraded and enjoyable dietary methods and correct fasting practices (yes, there are many incorrect practices to avoid if you desire enjoying optimal results);
    • safely accelerated wellness you can immediately feel that would otherwise take you years to experience and compound those gains;
    • the tools to reach and stay healthy in the top 2% potential of your extended healthspan and lifelong athletic performance, tailored, evolved and enduringly anchored into your desired lifestyle.

    Q. Ok, what can I do next before deciding to go out of pocket?


    Rob: Clarify your priorities and motivation – your "I want, I will, and I won'ts:"

    1. What better wellness results do you really want to be your life? 
    2. What are you willing to change to achieve your results?
    3. What are you willing to stop (won't dos) to ensure progress? 

    These are three challenging questions for many people – few dare to answer them honestly.


    There are no wrong answers. Send us yours.


    Q. Who are your ideal clients?


    Rob: We understand active soccer players (and most mature, competitive endurance athletes) very well.


    We want to help all 30+ year-old athletes who want to keep playing by learning how to recover faster, play harder, play more frequently and live more pleasurably as they age.


    We also want to help all older, retired professional athletes to stop suffering from their chronic pains, enduring insults and injury symptoms accumulated over their professional career.


    Competitors are our people, our tribe – you can value and get better wellness results enough to be worth your personal time, effort and reasonable expense.


    You can still improve upon your wellness status quo and dial back your vitality clock by a decade, or more.


    And with us you will.


    Schedule a call and get started today, there's only so many more seasons left for us to play – let's play them all.


    Cheers to regaining your purest vitality!